The Green House Rooftop Garden
from 12 to 3pm, with mini-workshops at 1pm
Drop in anytime from 12 to 3pm to help with gardening tasks or to harvest little treats for your lunch; or join us for short workshops at 1pm.
Upcoming sessions and mini-workshop themes:
23/08 - Seed saving
Join us to look at how to save seed in a home garden from a variety of plants and the importance of reclaiming this skill
06/09 - Winter food growing
Learn what food can be grown in winter. Sow winter-hardy veg and herbs in the garden and to take home
20/09 - Vegetable fermentation
Practical session preparing vegetables for fermenting at home and learning the theory behind this ancient preservation technique

Most of the plants in the garden are edible, and can make lovely snacks or additions to your lunch. They include:

APPLES: Heritage apple varieties are dotted all along the garden.

BLACKCURRANT SAGE: Rub the leaves to release a gorgeous blackcurrant scent, and taste the flowers as a nice sweet snack.

CALENDULA: Very common in herbal medicine, calendula flowers are also edible. Why not try plucking the petals off and sprinkling them onto a salad?

CHIVES: Unlike Spring Onions, Chives are perennial herbs and can harvested over and over again. Simply snip the leaves about an inch above the soil line, and wait for them to regrow.

FENNEL: Leaves can be enjoyed througout the year and seeds in late summer & autumn.

GOOSEBERRIES: Look out for berries in the summer.

LEMON VERBENA: Gorgeously lemony, Verbena makes one of the most lovely herbal teas there is.

MARJORAM: A close relative of oregano, aromatic and delicious

MINT: There are 5 different varieties of mint in the garden. They all taste significantly different from each other, but can be used interchangeably, so it's all down to personal preference.

OXALIS: Both leaves and flowers are not only edible, but deliciously sour and sweet.

SAVOURY: Amazing culinary herb related to thyme and oregano. Must be tried!

NASTURTIUM: Fast grower with lovely peppery leaves and flowers.

THYME: Beautifully lemony variety of thyme.

WOODLAND STRAWBERRIES: Have a good luck in between the leaves for the small, super sweet fruits.